Biweekly internal assessment
CASE 1 Q1 Reason for this patients ascites a)Chronic alcoholism since 40 years causes portal hypertension increased hydrostatic pressure causing fluid accumulation hence Ascites 2) Why did the patient develop bipedal lymphedema? What was the reason for the recurrent blebs and ulcerations and cellulitis in his lower limbs? Ans: Bilateral pedal oedema which is of pitting type is due to decrease in the albumin level trends due to course of the disease and long standing cirrhosis causing decrease in the production of proteins causing decrease in the oncotic pressure leading to accumulation of fluid. 3) What was the reason for his asterixis and constructional apraxia and what was done by the treating team to address that? A3 The increased levels of ammonia in liver failure patients causes damage to the neurons causing hepatic encephalopathy the reason f...